
How to avoid illness during ARVI and flu season: expert opinion

At the end of January, Rospotrebnadzor recorded a new round of growth in the incidence of influenza and ARVI: about 978 thousand cases were registered1. Current issues in the prevention and treatment of ARVI and COVD-19 were discussed by leading experts at the Polyoxidonium Talks conference in Moscow on February 3. More than 2,000 specialists took part in the event.

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With the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic, doctors began to pay more attention to the consequences of viral diseases. Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences, infectious disease specialist Alexander Gorelov emphasized: “Now influenza is one of the leaders in infectious pathology. Any illnesses that occur 2 months after the flu are its direct consequences, including heart attacks and strokes.”

Post-Covid syndrome still remains completely unexplored; doctors predict that, for example, damage to the central nervous system after a coronavirus infection can persist for 4–5 years. Such data were provided byMikhail Kostinov, corresponding member of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor.

The conference experts announced successful experience in using azoximer bromide (Polyoxidonium®) in people suffering from post-Covid syndrome. Konstantin Kozlov, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor of the Department of Infectious Diseases of the Military Medical Academy of St. Petersburg​ provided data from a study of 90 adult patients with confirmed COVID-19 and complaints lasting more than 12 weeks from the moment of illness.

How to avoid illness during ARVI and flu season: expert opinion 1 Konstantin Kozlov, MD ., Professor of the Department of Infectious Diseases of the Military Medical Academy of St. Petersburg

According to the results of the study, in the group of patients taking azoximer bromide, the severity of symptoms such as general weakness, muscle and joint pain, dizziness, impaired concentration and loss of smell decreased statistically significantly. However, no adverse events were recorded when taking azoximer bromide2.

In addition to the consequences of previous diseases, patients often suffer from repeated infections. Most often, children face the problem of repeated infections due to weakened immunity. According to WHO data, which Olga Zaitseva, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor cited in her speech, an adult suffers from acute respiratory diseases 2-4 times a year, while preschool children suffer from the same diseases more than 6 times in 12 months.

How to avoid illness during ARVI and flu season: expert opinion 2 Olga Zaitseva, MD, professor.

Frequent acute respiratory infections (ARI) are a serious threat, because in 16–30% of cases they are accompanied by complications, including: pneumonia, sinusitis, otitis media, tonsillitis, bronchial asthma, respiratory and heart failure, etc.

Warn Repeated infections are possible if you take preventive measures in time and also strengthen your immune system. Olga Zaitsevacited the results of a study of the immunocorrective drug Polyoxidonium® in the prevention of ARI and COVID-19 in 900 children aged 3 to 10 years: “Children in the azoximer bromide group were significantly less likely to get ARI and COVID-19, and if infection could not be avoided, the course of the disease was easier. In addition, the indicators of local immunity of the mucous membranes of the upper respiratory tract significantly increased and the risk of bacterial complications of ARVI and influenza, requiring antibiotic therapy, decreased.”

Sergey Karpishchenko, MD, Professor, agrees with this statement. Confirmation of the beneficial effects of Polyoxidonium in patients with infectious and inflammatory diseases of the ENT organs is noted in the results of a retrospective multicenter study among 16,365 patients (64% adults and 36% children).

“Complete resolution of symptoms was observed in 55% of cases of acute sinusitis and in 60% of cases of acute tonsillitis in patients receiving azoximer bromide. The drug is characterized by a high safety profile, including in children,” the professor concluded.

See the video of the conference at the link: Dialogues about immunity – from meta-analysis to personal practice – YouTube

Information about the drug Polyoxidonium®

The main indications of Polyoxidonium are the prevention and treatment of acute respiratory viral infections and influenza in adults and children over 3 years of age3. The drug is widely used in Russia and the EU. It has a large evidence base – 26 clinical studies, including double-blind placebo-controlled ones. In 2022, a meta-analysis was published, “The experience of using azoximer bromide for the prevention of acute respiratory infections and COVID-19 in adults from groups at high risk of infection – medical workers in the red zone,” which included 1,141 participants aged 18 to 69 years.

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More than 350 articles have been published about the drug, including in the PubMed and Google Scholar databases. Polyoxidonium® is included in the Temporary guidelines “Prevention, diagnosis and treatment of new coronavirus infection (COVID-19)”, in the FMBA guidelines for the prevention and treatment of influenza and other acute respiratory viral infections during the COVID-19 pandemic, clinical guidelines of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation “Influenza in adults” » for the prevention and treatment of infection. Polyoxidonium® is included in the list of vital and essential drugs.

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2. Assessment of the effect of azoximer bromide on the severity of clinical manifestations in persons who have had an infection caused by SARS-CoV-2/K. Kasyanenko, O. V. Maltsev, K. V. Kozlov [et al.] //Infectious diseases. – 2021. – T. 19. – No. 4. – P. 15-22. – DOI 10.20953/1729-9225-2021-4-15-22.

3. Release form: tablets.