
Do we need a professional standard for nutritionists? Expert opinion

Today, almost anyone can become a nutritionist, that is, a specialist who studies the effect of food on the human condition. To do this, you do not need to graduate from a university or receive any official certificates or licenses. It is enough to complete short online courses or even complete an online marathon. Let’s find out what experts think about introducing a professional standard for this profession. 

Is there a need for a professional standard for nutritionists? Expert opinion 10514

In Russia it is proposed to introduce a professional standard “Nutritionist”, Izvestia reports. This initiative was made by Vice Speaker of the State Duma Boris Chernyshov. He emphasized that in Russia there is no systematic approach to certification and licensing of this profession, which, in fact, can be practiced by anyone. Most nutritionists are graduates of courses, marathons and other training programs. 

We found out how this initiative is viewed in the medical community and talked with an expert – Chairman of the VHI Committee of the National Association of Healthcare Managers, CEO and owner of the Mositalmed clinic network Ekaterina Artsruni. 

“I am only in favor of licensing nutritionology, so that strict standards are introduced, and no one can carry out this activity. It would be great if only people who graduated from medical universities could become nutritionists. Personally, it is incomprehensible to me how a person who has not studied anatomy, physiology, or biochemistry can advise people with certain diseases. After all, a nutritionist not only deals with building a diet for healthy people, but also helps people with various problems adhere to medical recommendations. 

Today, everyone who is not too lazy goes through marathons and courses that last 1 month, and already knows what nutrition is right and what is wrong, they are engaged in cleansing and detoxifying the body, promoting the rejection of gluten, lactose, sugar or create their own “author’s nutritional methods”. And then we, professional doctors, have to sort out the consequences and work with the patient’s anxiety regarding nutrition.”