
Matvienko sees no point in introducing new restrictions

Matvienko sees no point in introducing new restrictions
Speaker of the Federation Council Valentina Matvienko does not consider it necessary to introduce any new restrictions in Russia amid the ongoing coronavirus pandemic. She believes that every leader of the region has the right to do so.

Although officially the incidence in Russia is declining, the death rate remains absolutely record. Today, 5% of those infected with coronavirus die in our country, this is due to very low vaccination and the spread of the highly aggressive Delta strain. From the outside, it may seem that the authorities are rather indifferent to such an indicator of population decline, and do not try to reduce it. This could be done through strict quarantine restrictions and stricter distribution of vaccines.

But at the top, obviously, they believe that this will cause an increase in social discontent and negatively affect the ratings of the authorities on the eve of the elections. That is why officials constantly say that there is no need to introduce any other restrictions, as well as force people to be vaccinated. A similar opinion was expressed in an interview with the media by Valentina Matvienko.

She recalled that the head of each region has the right to strengthen existing restrictions on coronavirus, including the introduction of the most stringent quarantine. At the same time, the head of the region will also have to make up for the economic losses that may arise as a result of such a decision on their own. The federal authorities are ready to go for compensation only in the event of a federal quarantine. This is what is holding back many regional leaders from imposing lockdowns. (READ MORE)