
You will never think: non-obvious products that are guaranteed to cause swelling

Salty foods and alcohol are known to cause swelling, especially if both are consumed. However, there are other, at first glance, harmless products that retain water in the tissues.

According to urologist Yuri Bakharev, if the product contains osmotically active substances, that is, those that attract water, edema cannot be avoided. If the concentration of these substances is increased (in plasma, interstitial fluid or in cells), then water is “attracted” to these tissues to dilute the concentration.

What foods should be removed or reduced to a minimum to avoid edema . First of all, we are talking about:

  • Herring, pickled cucumbers, salted cabbage
  • Various types of salted fish cooked using lots of salt.
  • Homemade canned food prepared using marinades. These are pickled and salted tomatoes, cucumbers, mushrooms, various types of spins.
  • Sauces and dressings (ketchup, mayonnaise, soy sauce, mustard – they have a lot of salt and sugar).

Swelling is caused not only by salt – this is important to remember. Curiously, the swelling caused by salt is quite easy to get rid of.

Especially a lot of osmotically active substances in store products. They contain “food chemicals” that promote fluid retention. For example, bread and rolls.

– In various types of bread and pastries, quite a lot of different components can be distinguished, which can lead to various shifts in metabolism. An increase in tissue levels of sodium or glucose, some other ions can contribute to fluid retention. If you eat white bread, buns in the evening, then in the morning you can notice a slight swelling of the arms or legs, or note an increase of 1–2 kg in weight. If these are store-bought products, they often contain a lot of hidden salt, sugar and other components, – the doctor said to the Doctor Peter portal.

Read on the topic: In cardiovascular diseases, edema usually occurs on legs, and patients with kidney pathology are concerned about swelling of the face. With hypothyroidism, the entire body swells – legs, arms, stomach, face and the area around the eyes. calcium, lactic acid and other components.

– By the way, the habit of drinking a glass of kefir at night can sometimes lead to an unpleasant morning symptom – slight swelling, – the expert emphasized.

Sweet fruits can not only lead to extra pounds, but also to fluid retention in tissues.

According to the urologist, fluid retention due to salt is much easier to eliminate – just stop taking salty foods and drink more water. But puffiness due to sweet is more difficult to eliminate. The fact is that part of the glucose passes into fat cells, between which water is locked more reliably than in other parts of the body.

Potato can provoke swelling due to the fact that it contains a large amount of starch, which is broken down sugars, and they are excellent at pulling water.

Various sugar substitutes also have high osmotic activity. Therefore, they can provoke swelling in the tissues, as they pull water onto themselves.

Foods that reduce swelling:

  • Watermelon, cucumber, melon
  • Celery
  • Beans
  • Green varieties of apples
  • Oats
  • Honey

To determine if you have swelling, you can do this: press your fingers on the shin bone. If there is a trace of fingers, then this is a sign that the legs are swollen. But swelling can also be hidden. They can be diagnosed by doctors through regular weighing, measuring blood pressure and monitoring urine tests.

Causes of edema and fluid retention in the body:
Unobvious symptoms of coronavirus infection were named by doctor Mohamed Ali

  • Improper diet.
  • < li>Drinking too much, when fluid intake exceeds fluid excretion.

  • Sedentary lifestyle.
  • Some medications.
  • The habit of cross-legging and all that leads to impaired blood circulation in the legs.
  • Pregnancy.
  • Premenstrual syndrome.
  • Diseases of the kidneys, circulatory and digestive organs, metabolic disorders.

Some foods are guaranteed to rejuvenate the body

See also: Popular foods that increase the risk of colon cancer by 30%, but only in men.

Important ! Information provided for reference purposes. Ask a specialist about contraindications and side effects and under no circumstances self-medicate. At the first sign of illness, consult a doctor.