
Workaholics are more likely to become alcoholics

Workaholics are more likely to become alcoholics
People who work more than 49 hours a week lean more heavily on alcohol compared to those who work the prescribed 40 hours. This conclusion was made by the experts of the World Health Organization.

Workaholics and those workers who are forced to stay late regularly drink more alcohol later, a clinical study has suggested. If a person spends more than 49 hours a week on work, then he consumes, on average, one glass of wine or a glass of beer more, compared to those who work from 9 to 5. Experts assure that workaholics use alcohol as a self-reward after long stressful work week.

Workaholics die much earlier than lazy people

The authors of the study also warn that the rising cost of living crisis unfolding in many countries could force more people to become forced workaholics or look for a second job, and all these overloads will lead them to seek liquor. This is the latest study that links the number of working hours per week with the level of alcohol consumption.

Former addicts often become alcoholics

Previous scientific work on this subject has also shown that if a person works over 48 hours a week, he is more likely to be a drunkard. And now a meta-analysis of 14 scientific studies with the participation of 105,000 people has been carried out. It has been proven that when spending from 49 to 54 hours a week on work, the level of alcohol consumption grows by 17.7 g of pure alcohol. This roughly corresponds to one large glass of wine or beer. (READ MORE) World Health Organization

World Health Organization


is the body that guides and coordinates international work in the field of health within the UN system