
When is the best time to take blood pressure pills – in the morning or in the evening? Before meals or after?

Anna Korenevich, a cardiologist, said that hypertensive patients often wonder when is the best time to take medicines for high blood pressure: in the morning or in the evening, before meals or after?
According to the expert, it is unequivocally difficult to answer, and there are several reasons for this.

According to statistics, the largest number of heart attacks and strokes occurs in the early hours. Therefore, it was believed that it is better to drink the medicine in the evening so that the pressure in the early morning is stable. But in practice, according to Korenevich, this was not confirmed.

The doctor cites as an example a large-scale study in which more than 21,000 hypertensive patients participated. They were divided into two groups, and volunteers from the first were given pills in the morning, and from the second – at night.

However, after five years of observation, it turned out that the frequency of cardiovascular complications in both groups was the same.

– Please note that pills are not 100% protection against heart attack and stroke. Some pills are clearly not enough to avoid a heart attack or stroke. They remove the symptom, which allows you to live longer, but do not get rid of the disease. How and when you take them is not very important. It is important that your pressure remains stable throughout the day,– the doctor noted in her blog.

In general, different people have different pressure during the day. For some, the peak is in the evening, for others it will be in the morning or afternoon. Depending on this profile, one should take medicines.

—There is a strong belief that all pills should be taken after meals. This is 100% myth. Different pills are drunk in different ways. Blood pressure pills should definitely not be taken after a meal, as this may slow down or interfere with their action. My opinion is that they should be drunk before meals and preferably at the same time. What time it will be for you depends on your daily blood pressure profile,– wrote the doctor.
The cause of pressure surges, among other things, is stress and negative emotions. To remove pressure surges, it is necessary to remove stress and negative emotions, the specialist noted.

Symptoms of hypertension:

  • Tinnitus
  • Flying “flies” and a veil before the eyes
  • Weakness
  • Sleep disturbance
  • Dizziness
  • Feeling of heaviness in head
  • Strong heartbeat

How to understand that a person has hypertension?

Arterial hypertension is diagnosed with a persistent rise in systolic (upper) pressure above 139 mm Hg. column or a persistent rise in diastolic (lower) pressure above 89 mm.

How does hypertension begin?

Most often, the signs of the disease appear during hypertensive crises, that is, a sharp jump in blood pressure. Patients complain of headache, dizziness, chest pain, shortness of breath and a feeling of fear. Most people feel heaviness in the back of the head, fatigue, and flashing before the eyes when pressure increases.

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When Should I take blood pressure medication: in the morning or in the evening?

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Important!< /span> Information provided for reference purposes. Ask a specialist about contraindications and side effects and under no circumstances self-medicate. Seek medical attention at the first sign of illness.

Anna Korenevich Anna Korenevich Medicine Cardiologist, psychologist