
What will happen to the body if you drink a glass of vodka every day: narcologist

Vascular surgeon Alexei Svetlikov told what will happen to the body if you drink a shot of vodka every day.

There is an opinion that strong alcohol in small quantities is not only not harmful, but is almost a medicine, for example, with hypothermia. Also, some believe that a glass of vodka is good “for appetite” and helps with insomnia.

What happens if you drink 100 grams of vodka daily?

– If alcohol enters the body every day, it can harm the bacteria in the stomach, which are responsible for normal digestion. Having a high acidity index, alcoholic beverages can damage the walls of the stomach and intestines. Alcohol affects almost all organs at once. The liver, stomach, heart and brain are especially affected. Also, even minimal doses of alcohol cause addictionb, the physician warned.

There is no safe, much less useful dose of alcohol, he added.

Daily use of vodka violates the mental state of a person, as the nervous system suffers. The vestibular apparatus fails, memory problems begin.

Alcohol increases the risk of developing

  • pancreatitis;
  • cancer;
  • alcoholic hepatitis;
  • cirrhosis of the liver;
  • hypertension;
  • ischemic heart disease;
  • atherosclerosis.

One hundred grams of alcohol is enough to increase blood pressure – for several days at once, the doctor warned.

To identify alcoholism or a predisposition to it, a narcologist can ask just three questions.

“Have your loved ones asked you to stop drinking?”
“Have you ever been ashamed that you committed in a state of intoxication?”
“Have you had a desire to get drunk in the morning?”

If all three questions are answered yes, then the person is likely to have a problem with alcohol.

Symptoms of alcoholism, when you can talk about the stages:
We drink soda every day. What will happen to the body?

  • lack of control over the amount drunk, inability to stop;
  • memory lapses;
  • hangover syndrome;
  • drunken periods;
  • appearance of external signs. This is a rapid aging of the skin, bulging veins, bruising formed due to rupture of skin capillaries. Statins and alcohol are compatible, but there is one “but”

    Important! Ask a specialist about contraindications and side effects and under no circumstances self-medicate. At the first sign of illness, consult a doctor.