
What porridge is considered the most useful: the opinion of doctors

Porridges are considered healthy food, but sometimes they can cause health problems, such as obesity. Medikforum figured out which porridge is healthy and which is not?

Many nutritionists consider buckwheat to be the most useful porridge. It contains a lot of vegetable protein, iron, and is known for its ability to increase hemoglobin. Buckwheat is very appreciated by diabetics, because it does not provoke jumps in blood sugar. In addition, it is a favorite porridge for all those who lose weight, because it is satisfying, tasty and can remove excess fluid.

Eating buckwheat on a regular basis reduces the risk of gallstones. There is a study that talks about the anti-cancer effect of buckwheat. Phlebologists note that the high magnesium content in this porridge reduces the risk of developing varicose veins.

The amino acid composition of this cereal is rich: it contains the entire list of essential amino acids (which enter the body only with food). We are talking about tryptophan, threonine, isoleucine, leucine, lysine, methionine, phenylalanine, valine, histidine.

Oatmeal is very useful, but only the one that needs to be cooked for at least 15 minutes. It contains dietary fiber and reduces the level of “bad” cholesterol. Oatmeal is also great for weight loss, as it saturates for a long time.

However, if you add a piece of butter, sugar (jam, honey) and milk to oatmeal, it will turn from useful into a calorie bomb and will be deposited on the sides.

Barley is a storehouse of protein. It is valuable because it contains fiber and many useful amino acids. For example, lysine produces collagen that is beneficial for the skin. Barley is richer than wheat in terms of fiber content, which enhances peristalsis and is a breeding ground for beneficial bacteria.

Millet will help those who lose weight, as it prevents the deposition of excess fat. Such porridge is indicated for diabetes mellitus, atherosclerosis, problems with the liver, cardiovascular system.

Rice porridge is very satisfying. It helps to remove toxins and has an enveloping effect on the intestinal walls, improving digestion. Rice also contains antioxidants that support the youth of the body.

But modern nutritionists do not include semolina in the list of healthy cereals, it is high in calories and does not contain fiber. The calorie content of milk semolina porridge exceeds the energy value of a number of desserts and provokes spikes in insulin in the blood.

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