
What is All-on-6 dental implantation, the history of the method, its advantages and in what cases is it used?

What is All-on-6 dental implantation, the history of the method, its advantages and in what cases is it used?
Modern implantology offers several options for the rehabilitation of patients who have lost most or all of their teeth. The most popular technologies are All-on-4 and All-on-6. How did they appear? What is the difference between the methods? Why is it better to choose the All-on-6 method for the rehabilitation of a toothless jaw?

A bit of history

In 1998, implantologist Paulo Malo performed an operation to treat complete edentulism. He installed four implants – two in the anterior and two at an angle in the distal. On them he fixed a covering prosthesis. He called this technology for prosthetics of the edentulous jaw All-on-4, which is now also called All-on-4.

In 2004, Nobel Biocare decided to patent the All-on-4 technology, starting the production of dental implants under her. Since then, thousands of patients have received new teeth and regained a beautiful smile.

Over several years of using All-on-4 technology, implantologists have identified several clinical situations where the method cannot be offered to patients due to the high risk of overloading lateral implants. For example, the All-on-4 concept is not suitable for treating patients with involuntary teeth grinding (bruxism). They have a high risk of loosening the structure for several years.
There was a need for a modified version of the concept, devoid of the limitations of the All-on-4 methodology. This is how the All-on-6 or All-on-6 concept appeared.

What is All-on-6?

This is an improved version of the All-on-6 concept. 4”, which involves the fixation of the orthopedic structure on six implants. Not two, but four titanium pins are installed in the lateral part of the jaw (they are also screwed in at an angle). Thus, the only difference is a larger number of “grounds” for a fixed dentition.
As early as 3-7 days after the implantation of artificial roots in the jaw, a temporary prosthesis can be fixed on them. You can eat your favorite dishes with it, but preferably in a chopped form.

What gives the use of more implants?

More supports – more reliability of the structure. The risk of overloading the lateral implants is reduced. Chewing load is distributed more evenly.

!!! The stronger the foundation, the stronger the structure. The same principle applies to complete jaw implantation.

Is bone grafting required?

No, the technique is designed with the possibility of total jaw prosthetics without prior bone augmentation.

Interested in the opportunity to get new teeth using this technology? It will be useful for you to get acquainted with the prices for All-on-6 implantation!

All-on-4 vs All-on-6 – what to choose?

Implantologists recommend All-on-6 technology to patients with:

  • bruxism. With uncontrolled grinding of teeth or hypertonicity of the masticatory muscles, the implants on which the prosthesis is attached experience constant overloads. Two lateral titanium pins (with All-on-4) loosen, there is a high risk of their rejection. Four implants in the posterior region (with All-on-6) will cope with such a load, the risk of loosening the system is minimal.
  • Completely edentulous maxilla. Anatomically, the upper teeth receive less chewing load, so the bone tissue in the upper jaw is less dense. If you install a prosthesis on four supports, there is a high risk of loosening the system. It is better to install six. Saving in this case is definitely not worth it.
  • Lack of bone volume in the distal section. If the thickness of the bone tissue does not allow the installation of implants longer than 14 mm, it is better to choose the All-on-Six technique. With All-on-4, it is desirable to be able to install titanium posts with a length of 16-18 mm.
  • The need to have seventh teeth in the prosthesis. Features of jaw closure in some patients require the mandatory inclusion of sevens in the orthopedic design. That is, the length of the prosthesis should be 14 crowns. This is possible only with All-on-6 – with the All-on-4 method, the maximum length of the prosthetic construction is 12 crowns.

So, in the above cases, at least six implants are required. Sometimes an implantologist may advise increasing the number of supports for a new dentition to seven or eight.

In Moscow dentistry “Akademstom”, an Israeli implantologist almost daily performs total jaw prosthetics using the All-on-4 or All-on-6 method. The percentage of successful engraftment of implants in the clinic is 99.5%. In the clinic, you can sign up for a free consultation with an implantologist. The official website of the clinic is