
Three early signs of blood cancer in children: oncologist

According to the candidate of medical sciences, oncologist and surgeon Mikhail Myasnyankin, signs of blood cancer in children can be fatigue, tearfulness and weight loss.

Children most often develop blood cancer – leukemia (leukemia), which manifests itself due to a violation in the work of the bone marrow. The frequency of childhood leukemia is 4-5 cases per 100,000 children.

It is necessary to contact the doctors if characteristic symptoms are noticeable.

  • fatigue
  • decreased appetite
  • tearfulness
  • weight loss
  • baby has pale skin.

The exact cause of cancer is still unknown. However, the disease, according to Masyankin, may appear due to genetic factors, as well as the negative impact of the environment. The health of the child also depends on the mother and father.

— Possible factors include smoking and drinking alcohol during pregnancy, birth trauma, chronic inflammation of the genitourinary system during pregnancy, — said the physician.

Signs of childhood leukemia

  • fever;
  • frequent ailments;
  • fatigue;
  • < li>frequent bleeding;

  • “unreasonable” bruising;
  • swollen lymph nodes;
  • pain in the bones and joints;
  • pallor of the skin .

Why do children get leukemia?

One of the most popular version among oncologists is a violation of the chromosomal composition of bone marrow cells. Such cells quickly divide, displacing healthy ones, and lead to impaired blood formation.

How does leukemia begin?

The onset of the disease can occur without pronounced symptoms. The child complains of general weakness, bone pain, weakness. In some children, enlarged lymph nodes and spleen can be detected already at the earliest stages.

Children suffer not only from leukemia, but also from other types of cancer. In children with cancer, the most common symptoms are:

Pale skin and tearfulness may indicate blood cancer in children

  • lethargy, weakness, fatigue
  • lack of appetite
  • weight loss
  • frequent whims
  • bad mood
  • increase in body temperature up to 37 ,5
  • sweating at night
  • frequent dermatitis
  • signs of anemia.

Symptoms of bowel cancer: the oncologist named 2 unusual a sign in the lungs – “the tumor is spreading”

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