
The main difference between prostate adenoma and prostate cancer

Prostate cancer is one of the most common oncological diseases in men. Mortality from it in the representatives of the stronger sex is in second place after lung cancer.

The main difference between prostate adenoma and prostate cancer is that adenoma is a benign tumor, and cancer is malignant. Cancer cells can spread, forming metastases.

Most cases of prostate cancer are diagnosed at stages 3-4. Of course, this greatly reduces the chances of remission.

The causes of prostate cancer are not fully understood, and this is the case with almost any type of cancer.

This may be due to hormonal changes in old age, and testosterone, the male sex hormone, plays one of the main roles here.

Prostate cancer is a hormone-dependent tumor, that is, testosterone stimulates its growth. Therefore, it is believed that in men with a high level of this hormone, the oncological process is more likely to occur and its course will be more malignant.

The tumor in this type of oncology grows slowly and may not appear for many years. At the same time, prostate cancer gives early metastases – this is its main danger.

How does prostate cancer manifest itself?

The disease begins to bother only when it has already gone very far.

Prostate cancer may manifest itself (or there may not be any of these symptoms):< br>

  • increased urination
  • pain in the perineum
  • blood in urine
  • blood in semen
  • urinary retention.

Symptoms or signs of prostate cancer associated with urination:

  • Intense urge but poor urine flow.
  • Difficulty starting to urinate.
  • Increased frequency.
  • The jet can be intermittent, starting and stopping repeatedly.

In advanced stages, prostate cancer is manifested by a sharp weight loss, weakness, pale skin with an earthy tint. This symptomatology applies to almost all types of cancer.

Symptoms and signs of prostate adenoma:

  • urges during the day become more frequent;
  • you have to get up 1-2 times to go to the toilet at night;
  • you have to strain your abs before morning urination;
  • the urine stream is sluggish;
  • there are sudden urges with the release of a small amount of urine.

The main symptom of prostate adenoma is a violation of urination due to the gradual compression of the urethra by growing nodules. The mechanism of development of prostate adenoma, as in the case of cancer, has not yet been fully determined.

How to avoid prostate cancer?

Scientists have announced the benefits of yogurt for men's health

Every man over 45 years of age should have an analysis once a year blood for PSA and consult a urologist about the results of the analysis.

Prostate adenoma protects against cancer

Read also: Common diseases in which it is worth checking for HIV.