
The famous musician spoke about the first signs of prostate cancer. He is now in stage four.

62-year-old guitarist of the rock band Duran Duran Andy Taylor spoke about life with the fourth stage of prostate cancer and about the first signs of the disease.

The musician told People that once while jogging, he felt pain, like with sore joints, that is, arthritis. This began to repeat itself. Taylor seriously thought he had arthritis. Then he discovered a couple of bumps in his lymph nodes.

– And the first thing I thought about was when was the last time I took a prostate cancer antigen test? Because of this, my father died, so there were precedents in the family, — said the musician.

It was in 2018. Due to illness, the musician missed the ceremony on the occasion of the inclusion of the band in the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame.

Taylor is successfully treated, he receives therapy to prevent further development of the oncological process. He works by being creative.

I learned early on that keeping your mind occupied and being physically active made a difference. So you can overcome this grim reaper. Duran Duran has a lot of female fans. No hints needed, just get your men to take a prostate cancer antigen test,– said the musician.

Prostate cancer is a malignant neoplasm that occurs as a result of the transformation of cells of the glandular epithelium of the prostate.

Symptoms of prostate cancer:

  • Intense urge but poor urine flow when urinating.
  • Difficulty starting to urinate.
  • Increased frequency of urination.
  • The stream of urine can be unstable, constantly starting and stopping.

Where does it hurt with prostate cancer?

As the disease progresses, the lymphatic nodes, bones and other organs. Many patients complain of pain in the bones, joints, and especially in the lower back and pelvic bones.

What causes prostate cancer?

Part (approximately 5-10%) of cases of this type of cancer is associated with heredity. Elevated levels of certain hormones in the blood can also cause prostate cancer.

Which blood test will show prostate cancer?

Prostate-specific antigen (PSA) test. PSA (total and free) is considered the standard in screening for prostate cancer. This blood test measures the amount of prostate-specific antigen in the blood.

Prostate cancer is a hormone-dependent tumor, that is, its growth is stimulated by testosterone. Therefore, it is believed that in men with a high level of this hormone, the oncological process is more likely to occur and its course will be more malignant.

The tumor in this type of oncology grows slowly and may not appear for many years. At the same time, prostate cancer gives early metastases – this is its main danger.

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Important< span style="color:#fc272d;">! Information provided for reference purposes. Ask a specialist about contraindications and side effects and under no circumstances self-medicate. At the first sign of illness, consult a doctor.