
The endocrinologist explained how to suspect a blood clot. Five Important Signs

Endocrinologist, cardiologist Aleksey Zhito explained how to suspect a blood clot. Thrombosis is the process of blood clotting, and it is vital because a person without it can bleed from any scratch.

However, thrombosis is dangerous because part of the thrombus can break off and be carried by blood flow to other organs.

According to him, thrombosis occurs when three factors are combined:

  • blood flow is disturbed,
  • blood viscosity changes,
  • the endothelium, the inner lining of blood vessels, is damaged.

Why blood clots can form

  • hereditary predisposition,
  • atherosclerosis,
  • varicose veins,
  • surgical interventions,
  • a sedentary lifestyle.

Clots can cause severe starvation of an organ – ischemia, resulting in cell death.

— It is especially dangerous when a blood clot clogs large vessels of the lungs, heart and brain. This condition, called thromboembolism, can lead to arrhythmia, inflammation, and even death,– the doctor noted in his blog.

You can independently suspect the formation of a blood clot, the specialist noted. He named the following signs:

  • the skin on the leg becomes colder, and this may be a small area,
  • sharp pains appear in part of the leg , although outwardly everything looks good,
  • the vein on the leg turns red, the vessel feels like something hard,
  • heaviness and sharp pain appear in the chest,
  • it becomes hard to breathe.

What can not be done with thrombosis? Strictly prohibited:

  • lifting weights,
  • wearing high heels,
  • hard sports sports,
  • with deep vein thrombosis, you can’t go to the sauna, bath, steam room.

How does it hurt with thrombosis?

  • Cramping pains in the leg usually begin in the calves.
  • Severe, throbbing pain in the foot, ankle, under the knee, in the thigh.
  • Increased skin temperature in the affected area
  • Localized redness or blueness of the skin
  • Swelling, hardening of the veins, pain when touching the veins.

According to some studies, there is a link between blood type and blood clotting. So, the owners of the first group have the lowest risk of thrombosis, and in the second and third groups, on the contrary, the risk is increased by 30%. In addition, for the second and third groups, the probability of developing deep vein thrombosis in the legs is 51% higher, and pulmonary thromboembolism (a blood clot in the lungs) is 47% higher than for the first group.

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p class=”warning_txt”>Important! Information provided for reference purposes. Ask a specialist about contraindications and side effects and under no circumstances self-medicate. Seek medical attention at the first sign of illness.

Aleksey Zhito Alexey Zhito Medicine Endocrinologist, cardiologist