
The development of primary care was discussed at the forum “My Polyclinic”

The development of primary care was discussed at the forum
From 15 to 17 December, Moscow hosted the city forum of professionals “My Polyclinic”, organized by the Moscow Social Development Complex. More than 10 thousand people took part in its work. Healthcare experts from the capital and different regions of Russia discussed key areas for the development of the industry and ways to improve the efficiency of health care.

For three days, within the framework of thematic discussions, lectures and in the format of live communication at the forum sites, the heads of relevant ministries and departments, research centers, hospitals and clinics, practicing doctors considered issues of training and advanced training, creating comfortable conditions for employees of polyclinics, equipping rooms the latest equipment. Moscow specialists shared with colleagues from the regions their experience in introducing new standards at the outpatient level, digitalization and the use of artificial intelligence.

Actual solutions
Opening the forum, Moscow Mayor Sergei Sobyanin spoke about the change in the structure of city polyclinics. According to him, the ratio of practicing doctors and administrative staff was revised, and the remuneration of employees was made more fair. Sergei Sobyanin drew attention to the active introduction of modern technologies: “We understood that without numbers it is impossible to make an understandable and transparent structure for the provision of medical care. But Muscovites are an advanced people, so now almost everyone has electronic medical records, and half of the population actively uses them.”

Natalia Kataeva, Head of the Moscow Mayor's Department in the Moscow Government for Social Development, added that soon the entire health care system in Moscow will be rebuilt on the basis of digitalization. All children's polyclinics have been operating digitally since August 2022, and adults will switch to this mode in the near future, Kataeva said.

By the way, according to Andrey Fedoruk, Chief Physician of City Polyclinic No. 220 of the Moscow City Health Department, the Electronic Medical Record is the most popular service among Muscovites, it now contains more than 330 million medical examination protocols. In second place is the laboratory service – about 320 million test results are collected there.

Moscow experience
Aleksey Bezymyanny, Director of the Directorate for Coordinating the Activities of Medical Organizations of the Moscow Health Department, spoke about the introduction of a new unified standard for Moscow polyclinics and the results of this work. Now in each metropolitan polyclinic there is a single and understandable staff of specialists, a standard set of instrumental examinations and equipment, and an identical arrangement of rooms. For example, the most visited (such as the office of the doctor on duty) are located on the first floor. “The new Moscow standard has actually become a brand, which means that you will find a typical Moscow polyclinic both in Bibirevo and Pechatniki,” Alexey Bezymyanny concluded.

Meanwhile, the transformations carried out in the capital's healthcare system have also affected other areas of the city economy, said Vladimir Filippov, Deputy Head of the Department of Labor and Social Protection of the Population of the City of Moscow. He emphasized that changes in the entire ecosystem of the city are visible: first of all, public services and social service centers are being improved.

Extracurricular reading
Visitors to Gostiny Dvor could visually evaluate modern technological solutions at the interactive exhibition, which presented the most advanced equipment for therapy, ophthalmology, otolaryngology and dentistry. A diagnostic stand and a diagnostic robot made it possible to make express tests, and a number of types of medical care were demonstrated, including cardiopulmonary resuscitation. In addition, the guests were presented with an interactive map of Moscow, where they could see which population is attached to each clinic, get acquainted with the staff, see how the premises look from the inside.

Forum participants received a number of professional advices at specialized lectures: “How to become in demand among patients”, “How to maintain brain activity and restore memory”, “Psychosomatics in outpatient practice”.

To be continued
Deputy Mayor of Moscow in the Moscow Government for social development Anastasia Rakova defined the presented program for updating the internal work of polyclinics as a large-scale one.

“I like your level of professional ambitions,” Anastasia Rakova emphasized. — In order for everything that has been said not to remain on paper, we must develop close ties in a team with common values, a common vision of the result and the desire to achieve it. This is a huge work and a path that we will have to go through together.

On this path, three important points should be taken into account, which Anastasia Rakova drew attention to. Firstly, all employees should know and share the ideas that the chief doctors have been talking about these days. Secondly, many additional problems will certainly appear that have not yet been taken into account, which means that management decisions will need to be adjusted. “And in order to properly correct – and this is third – we all need to learn to be honest with each other,” said the deputy mayor. And for this, according to Anastasia Rakova, it is necessary to form a system in which there is reliable feedback. “We will make every effort so that you can always turn to us with the truth and be heard,” she assured.