
The birth of a son hits the intellect of his parents harder

The birth of a son hits the intellect of his parents more
Raising a son is more intellectually expensive than raising a daughter. What conclusion did researchers from the Czech Republic and the USA come to.

After studying over 13,000 parents aged 50 and over, American and Czech scientists came to an interesting conclusion. For those fathers and mothers who have sons, the brain ages faster than those who raise daughters. Even having one son already accelerated the loss of cognitive skills compared to those who had no children. And if dad and mom had two or more sons, then they faced a much greater decline in intelligence compared to the parents of daughters.

Having children does not make parents happier

The study was observational, scientists only found a connection, but did not establish its cause. However, there are suggestions as to why raising sons has such an impact. First, daughters are more likely to take care of their parents in old age and provide them with all kinds of support, including emotional support. It helps moms and dads stay healthy as they age.

A happy family: mom, dad and…

Secondly, the boys' parents generally lead me a healthy lifestyle. For example, mothers of sons have an average body mass index that is always higher than that of those who raise daughters. In addition, parents of daughters are less likely to use any prohibited substances, alcohol and are attracted to tobacco products. (READ MORE)

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