
Self-isolation after returning to Russia will no longer be required

Self-isolation after returning to Russia will no longer be required
Until recently, Russian citizens returning to their homeland from abroad had to take a test for coronavirus infection and, pending its results, go into self-isolation. Now Rospotrebnadzor has canceled this measure.

It should be noted that the requirement not to pass a PCR test is removed, but the need to stay in self-isolation awaiting its result. Russia in the foreseeable future will enter the next fifth wave of coronavirus, the most authoritative experts have no doubt about this. But the authorities continue to remove the existing restrictions, as if pushing a new surge in the incidence. And the lifting of self-isolation in anticipation of the test is another step towards this.

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The new wave in Russia will be caused by the spread of new sub-lines of the Omicron strain, as well as by the extremely low level of herd immunity, which has already fallen below 20%. Now we can say that the Russians are again not protected from the coronavirus, since with such indicators there can be no question of any protection. Many months have passed after vaccination, the level of antibodies no longer prevents the development of a coronavirus infection.

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At the same time, some Russians sincerely believe that if they are threatened with infection with the coronavirus, then in a mild or asymptomatic form. They ignore the fact that almost 30% of our country's citizens who are diagnosed with COVID-19 are hospitalized, according to official statistics. In addition, people expect long-term severe consequences after the coronavirus, even if they suffered it in a mild form, and scientists have repeatedly warned about this. (READ MORE) Rospotrebnadzor



Federal Supervision Service in the field of consumer protection and human well-being