
Rospotrebnadzor will not impose restrictions even with an increase in the incidence

Rospotrebnadzor will not impose restrictions even with an increase in the incidence
The head of Rospotrebnadzor Anna Popova said that the return of some strict restrictions due to an increase in the number of coronavirus cases in our country will not be required. However, so far there are no signs of another wave in Russia.

Rospotrebnazdor in Russia lifted anti-COVID restrictions from July 2. Measures remain in place to identify patients with coronavirus infection, as well as to monitor the epidemic process. At the same time, restrictions can be partially or completely restored if the country encounters a new powerful explosive wave of morbidity. But so far, Anna Popova does not see the need for this.

Moscow is not going to introduce a lockdown due to Omicron

She believes a sharp jump in the number of cases and hospitalizations is unlikely, since sub-variants of the Omicron strain, which cause a predominantly mild course of coronavirus, are now dominant. And even if the number of identified tests increases by a factor of 10, this is unlikely to require the introduction of severe restrictions. Note that they were not introduced even at the peak of the deadliest wave caused by the Delta strain, when the death rate in Russia exceeded 1,400 people per day.

Sobyanin promised that there would be no new restrictions in Moscow

Over the past week, the incidence of coronavirus in our country has increased by more than 8% and amounted to 15.46 per 100,000 people. The ongoing genomic studies show the dominance of the sublines of the strain Omicron VA.2, VA.4 and VA.5. The Delta variant accounts for no more than 1.2% of coronavirus cases. (READ MORE) Rospotrebnadzor < p class="article_expert_name" itemprop="name">Rospotrebnadzor


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