
Petersburg is testing a new method of rejuvenation – VSH25

A new method of rejuvenation — VSH25 is being tested in St. Petersburg

The St. Petersburg company “Eternal Youth” is conducting an experiment and invites volunteers to take part in testing a new method of rejuvenation and slowing down aging – the biological program VSH25 *.

About VSH25

Based on research into visual, auditory, brain and body specialists of the company “Eternal Youth” proposed a new approach to the rejuvenation of the body.

VSH25 is an antiage project that combines various tools to improve health, prolong youth and life. The key component of VSH25 is an experimental biological program based on stimulation of the central nervous system with visual, auditory, cognitive and subconscious signals, which are fractals, binaural beats, white noise, suggestions, subsensory messages and other influences.

As noted on the project website, these signals can interact directly with the brain, helping the body to efficiently use internal resources for a long life without disease.

Various bodily and psychological techniques help to enhance the effectiveness of the bioprogram. On the site you can find video lessons on yoga and qigong from famous masters, as well as audio and video practices on visualization, meditation and other psychotechnics.

Also, in addition to the bioprogram, the VSH25 Protocol has been developed – a list of recommendations for extending life and youth. The document was compiled on the basis of the latest scientific research and includes more than 100 tips for improving lifestyle.


Specialists of the company “Eternal Youth” are going to study the effectiveness of the VSH25 by conducting a study on a large sample of subjects.

Healthy men and women over the age of 18 can take part in the experiment. Within its framework, participants who have passed the selection must use the bioprogram, follow the recommendations, fill out questionnaires and enter the results of biomarker measurements into the Health Card located in their personal account for at least six months.

For the passage of the experiment, gifts are provided: for example, an annual subscription to VSH25 and books on the topics of slowing down aging and prolonging youth and life.

“According to our hypothesis, a comprehensive and regular lifestyle intervention based on the biological program and other VSH25 tools has geroprotective potential. In a clinical study, we are going to confirm the validity of this statement,” says Lada Fomenko, General Director of Eternal Youth LLC.

The company invites volunteers to take part in free testing of VSH25. Applications are accepted by email [email protected].

*Not a medicine. There are contraindications. Before use, you should consult a doctor.

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