
Pediatrician Komarova: Zelenka and oxolinic ointment, popular among Russians, can be dangerous

Pediatrician Olga Komarova spoke about the dangers of brilliant green and oxolinic ointment. These popular remedies among Russians are not at all as harmless as they might seem.

Oxolinic ointment is an antiviral agent. During the flu, her nose is lubricated from the inside to protect the cells from the penetration of viruses. The ointment also helps against conjunctivitis, warts, warts and lichen.

Influenza is a disease caused by a virus. Those who become ill for several days show fever, sore throat and body, cough, runny nose, headache and severe weakness. The main mechanism of transmission of the disease is airborne. Infection occurs when the virus enters the nasopharynx.

As you know, there are subtle hairs in the nasal cavity. They are responsible for protecting the body from infections. Hair is a kind of filter that does not let dust and germs through. When using oxolinic ointment during the flu, the hairs stick together, allowing the viruses to enter the nasal cavity. A more effective way to protect yourself is to rinse your nose with saline solutions.

Other ways to prevent the flu:

  • Get vaccinated
  • Avoid crowds
  • Use a medical mask
  • Wash your hands regularly

Another unsafe remedy is brilliant green. Brilliant green is an antiseptic familiar to everyone since childhood. It is used to treat wounds and skin rashes, as well as after operations.

The harm of brilliant green lies in the fact that if you apply it to an open wound, you can cause a burn that will leave a strong scar. Doctors do not recommend using brilliant green during rashes, because after its use, control over healing worsens. Under such a green layer, suppuration can be seen. Also brilliant green does not relieve itching, as many people think.

Zelenka can be replaced with:

  • Chlorhexidine
  • Alcohol
  • Peroxide hydrogen
  • Calamine solution

Fucorcin is an antiseptic that has a coloring property. It is used during fungal diseases of the skin, erosions, cracks and abrasions of the skin. Doctors do not recommend using it for the same reasons as brilliant green. Fukortsin does not promote healing, but only delays it. Another dangerous property is phenol, which is part of the antiseptic, is very toxic. With prolonged use of fucorcin, an overdose is possible.

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Oxolinic ointment and brilliant green: doctor Komarova reported on the dangers of popular remedies

You can read: A simple way to protect yourself from infections after sex: gynecologist.

Important! Information provided for reference purposes. Ask a specialist about contraindications and side effects and under no circumstances self-medicate. At the first sign of illness, consult a doctor.