
One simple action that will help get rid of bloating

Bloating can significantly impair quality of life, but one simple lifestyle change can make a difference.

Bloating is usually the result accumulation of gases in the gastrointestinal tract. The gastrointestinal tract is a series of hollow organs connected into a long winding tube. This channel breaks down food as it is transported through the body, helping it absorb nutrients and remove excess.

According to nutritionist Tamara Freiman, which specializes in digestive disorders, many believe that a night's sleep provides a sort of “reset” when it comes to food-related bloating.

—Having eight or more hours of gastric -nothing enters the intestinal tract, allows you to reduce the contents of the intestine (the volume of food and gas) and reduce bloating, the expert noted.

As a rule, people do not suffer from bloated stomach in the morning. But on the condition that they did not have a late dinner (especially for those who get up to eat at night).

“People who have slow gastric emptying may wake up with a bloated stomach if they ate too big or too late the night before,” the nutritionist added.

One of the reasons why sleep counts so important, is that it gives the body time to rest and recover. During the day, the body will need a lot of glucose, the main source of energy, to feed the muscles, joints, nervous system and healthy digestion.

This means that the digestive system will be constantly working on breaking down food, however, when a person sleeps, the need for glucose is significantly reduced.

In addition to getting enough sleep, a series of light exercises before bed will help to reduce bloating.

br>Walking or light exercise within 15 minutes after eating increases mobility and stimulates the gastrointestinal tract. Try walking for 15 minutes at a leisurely pace before bed or doing some light yoga exercises to ease digestive discomfort, experts advise. .

For example, people with irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) or inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) sometimes experience flare-ups after poor sleep.

Lack of sleep makes us more vulnerable to inflammation. Digestive disorders such as IBD and IBS are sometimes referred to as inflammatory disorders. For example, IBD belongs to a group of digestive diseases such as Crohn's disease and is believed to be closely related to inflammation.

Some forms of IBD are often caused by problems with the immune system, in which immune cells begin to attack the intestinal tissues, causing inflammation. Lack of sleep can exacerbate this problem.

How to eliminate bloating

  • Do not eat foods that cause fermentation.
  • At night, drink herbal tea that normalizes digestive processes.
  • Increase activity.
  • Do breathing exercises and simple exercises.
  • Take absorbent preparations if necessary, after consulting with a doctor.

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Important! The information is provided for reference purposes.For contraindications and side effects, ask a specialist and under no circumstances self-medicate iem. At the first sign of illness, consult a doctor.