
Oncologist Isakova: owners of which blood type are susceptible to stomach cancer, diabetes and are especially seriously ill with coronavirus

Oncologist Suna Isakova spoke about the influence of blood type on the health and character of people. The evidence for this theory is contradictory, she immediately emphasized.

People have long, since antiquity, tried to connect a person’s character with blood characteristics. Opinions varied: in some studies, those with the second blood group were described as stress-resistant, while in others, on the contrary, they were more susceptible to stress. The same applies to diseases.

“Presumably, the first blood group (O) is associated with a lower risk of developing cardiovascular diseases, but is more susceptible to severe conorovirus infection,” the doctor noted.

With the second blood group (A), the risk of developing stomach cancer. Holders of the second (A) and third (B) groups are considered to be more prone to developing type II diabetes mellitus.

External factors are of great importance on what and how a person will get sick: nutrition, bad habits, physical inactivity.

Blood group and interferon

One study suggested that blood type influences how the body produces interferon during a viral infection.

In response to viral invasion, cells release interferons. The carriers of blood group IV were the strongest in terms of the production of these proteins. In the body of these people, the protein was well produced in 92% of the subjects. People with blood types I (80%) and III (91%) also showed high results.

Blood type and injuries

Scientists from the Japanese Society of Abdominal Emergency Medicine reported that the chance of survival after severe injury depends on blood type. Thus, those in the first group died more often after receiving serious injuries.

This may be affected by blood clotting. The study will help doctors further take this fact into account when hospitalizing and providing care to people with the first blood group.

Blood type and susceptibility to heart attack and stroke

There is an opinion that people with blood group I are least susceptible to diseases of the cardiovascular system. There are fewer prothrombotic agents of the eighth coagulation factor and von Willebrand factors in their blood, so they are less likely to form blood clots, heart attack or stroke

Women with blood group III are also less likely than others to have difficulty conceiving, and women with blood group I blood type is often the lowest ability to get pregnant.

Blood type and stomach diseases

There is also such a study. It notes that people with the first blood group are prone to peptic ulcers of the stomach or duodenum.

Doctors also talk about the “golden” blood group, which is possessed by about 50 people around the world. We are talking about the Rhnull group, it is characterized by the complete absence of Rh antigens in blood cells. It is considered “universal”, so it can be transfused to any person with rare blood types in the Rh factor system.

As we see, the data is often contradictory.

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Important! Information is provided for reference purposes. Ask a specialist about contraindications and side effects and under no circumstances self-medicate. At the first signs of illness, consult a doctor.