
Named the unexpected danger of smartphones to vision

Unexpected danger of smartphones for vision named
We all know that the habit of staring at a smartphone screen for a long time can affect vision over time. But experts from Spain also noted another threat – the sun's glare that is reflected from the screen.

We are well aware of the huge threat the sun poses to our vision, and look at the celestial body without eye protection extremely dangerous. But even the reflection of the sun or its glare on the phone screen can harm the eyes. Spanish researchers described two patients who suffered retinal damage due to the powerful reflection of the sun on a smartphone screen.

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Both were absolutely convinced that they did not look directly at the sun, and doctors came to the conclusion that glare from screen. A 30-year-old man spent four hours reading text on a tablet while on the terrace of a ski center. He encountered visual distortions and had great difficulty looking at objects at a distance. Fortunately, over time, his problems were resolved.

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Another 20-year-old patient used a smartphone for three hours on the beach. She, unfortunately, was less fortunate, and now this girl's vision is limited due to the appearance of a blind spot right in the middle of the review. In this regard, Spanish ophthalmologists emphasize the need to tell people about possible threats. The reflection of the sun from the screen of electronic devices is a risk factor for the development of solar maculopathy. This condition usually occurs in people who look directly at the sun without sunglasses. (READ MORE)