
Look at the cut: how to identify tomatoes that are hazardous to health

As a nutritionist Elena Solomatina said, tomatoes in some cases can be dangerous to health, and this can be determined by their appearance.

Tomatoes are definitely useful. But, since they are nightshades, solanine can accumulate in them. It is very important to eat only ripe fruits.

Solanine is a plant glycoside, that is, a toxic organic compound. In certain quantities it leads to poisoning. According to some reports, tomatoes contain tomatine, which is similar to solanine, but much less toxic than solanine.

In addition, nitrates can accumulate in tomatoes, and fruits with a high content of nitrates are easy to identify by appearance.< br>
– You should always look at the cut of a tomato: if there are a lot of hard veins, especially yellow ones, then it is clear that the tomato was fed with nitrates. As a rule, such streaks are closer to the tail, pay attention to this,– said Solomatina in an interview with Sputnik radio.

Nitrates are converted into nitrites, which are capable of:

  • impair cellular respiration
  • convert hemoglobin to its inactive form, which cannot carry oxygen.

As a result, hypoxia develops, which can lead to death. In cardiovascular diseases, this is especially dangerous.

If we fry, bake, that is, heat treat such a tomato, then nitrates turn into nitrosamine, and this is a carcinogen.

Nitrosamines are highly toxic compounds. When ingested, they affect the liver, cause hemorrhages, convulsions, and can lead to coma. They have a strong carcinogenic effect even with a single action.

What are the health benefits of tomatoes?

They contain a lot of vitamin A and vitamin K, B vitamins, folic acid and thiamine. One tomato can provide about 40 percent of the daily requirement for vitamin C. It is a good source of iron, potassium, manganese, magnesium, phosphorus and copper.

It must be remembered that tomatoes contain purine compounds that contribute to the accumulation of uric acid salts in b>joints, leading to the accumulation of stones in the bladder and kidneys.

Which vegetables accumulate the most nitrates?

A large amount of nitrates (1500- 2000 mg/kg):

Doctor Kruglova named dangerous properties of tomatoes

  • spinach,
  • lettuce,
  • radish,
  • celery,
  • kale,
  • broccoli,
  • beetroot.

Read also: How to make whitening and anti-inflammatory toothpaste at home. Elena Solomatina Elena Solomatina Medicine Doctor -nutritionist, candidate of medical sciences