
It is proved that they still get fat from cutlets

It has been proven that people get fat from cutlets
The popular proverb that people get fat not from cutlets, but from years, has been refuted by scientists. Age-related slowdown in metabolism is not the cause of weight gain over the years.

People of the age who are gaining kilograms usually cite a proverb in their defense – they get fat not from cutlets, but from years. In an allegorical way, she explains the appearance of the so-called “spare tire” around the waist or the slowing down of metabolism over the years, that is, the rate of burning calories. However, a new study from Finland has shown that weight gain in middle age is not due to a slower metabolism. Note that this phenomenon accelerates aging, and obese 55-year-old citizens have health problems that, with normal weight, are observed after 70.

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Metabolism is a description of the chemical processes that help us use energy after eating to perform essential body functions such as breathing, pumping blood, and providing “fuel” to organs. There are two types of metabolism. The first is resting metabolism, that is, the minimum amount of energy or calories that we require to remain viable. The second type is the total consumption of all energy. It is a combination of resting metabolism plus the same energy used for physical activity and digestion of food. For sedentary adults, the first indicator is from 50% to 70% of total energy use, from 10% to 15% is spent on digestion, and from 20% to 30% on physical activity.

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Scientists measured the metabolic rate of 6,400 people aged from 8 days to 95 years. It turned out that the speed really changes over the years, but not at all in the way we think. For example, a woman in her 50s burned calories just as efficiently as a 20-year-old girl. The rate slowed down by about 3% each year until age 20, then it plateaued and remained there until age 60. This means that there is no decrease in metabolic rate in middle age. (READ MORE) University of Helsinki

University of Helsinki


oldest and largest university in Finland. About 38 thousand students study at the university (including 5.5 thousand graduate students)