
Intermittent sleep may be a sign of brain cancer: Therapist

manAccording to therapist Tatyana Romanenko, intermittent sleep can be a symptom of a brain tumor, including a malignant one.

— Some severe organic diseases of the brain can cause intermittent sleep. We are talking about tumors, the doctor told Moscow 24.

Heart rhythm disturbances also lead to nocturnal awakenings. And in women, the quality of sleep often deteriorates during menopause, the expert noted.

A brain tumor is a three-dimensional formation that forms inside the skull. It can be malignant and benign.

How does a benign brain tumor differ from a malignant one?

Malignant neoplasms differ from benign ones by rapid growth, in which the tumor can grow into neighboring tissues . That is, cancerous tumors grow rapidly and “behave” aggressively.

Signs of a brain tumor:

  • Primary headache
  • Nausea and/or vomiting
  • Convulsions
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  • Weakness of the limbs
  • Loss of coordination with movement
  • Impaired sensation
  • Double vision or blurred vision
  • Impaired speech< /li>

What does a person feel with a brain tumor?

  • severe headache that worsens with movement and weakens upright;
  • convulsions and epileptic seizures;
  • impaired attention;
  • impaired memory.

How long does a person with a brain tumor live?

It depends on the degree of damage and the treatment. In the natural course of the disease (if left untreated), the average life expectancy is about three months. With surgical treatment or radiation therapy, it increases significantly.

How does the head hurt with a brain tumor?

The pains can have a bursting, dull character, they often appear (or intensify) in the second half of the night or in the morning. The patient may wake up from severe pain in the head. With stress or physical intensification, the pain becomes more intense.

How to understand if there is a brain tumor?

Computed tomography (CT) and magnetic resonance imaging can accurately determine the presence of a tumor tomography (MRI).

Who is susceptible to brain tumors?

The occurrence of a tumor is possible at any age, but more often they appear in children and the elderly.

Is a brain tumor inherited?

Malignant tumors are not inherited. If we consider the question “is cancer inherited” in the common sense, then the answer is “no”. However, a person may be predisposed to certain types of diseases, so hereditary predisposition matters.

Read also: How to reduce the risk of developing cancer in 5 minutes.

Therapist named serious diseases with a sign in the form of heartburn

Related: Alcohol-Related Fatty Liver Disease: Six Early Symptoms. =”warning_txt”>Important! Information provided for reference purposes. Ask a specialist about contraindications and side effects and under no circumstances self-medicate. At the first sign of illness, consult a doctor.