
In Moscow, surgeons removed a tumor that had grown to the size of an apple from a patient's head

The head of the Neurosurgery Center, Maxim Semenov, spoke about the complex operation to remove a large tumor from the patient's head.

Candidate of Medical Sciences Maxim Semenov told RIA Novosti that the tumor, which had grown to the size of an apple, was removed from the patient's head by Moscow neurosurgeons from the A. I. Burnazyan Federal Medical Biophysical Center of the Federal Medical and Biological Agency of Russia.

“We have done several complex surgeries this year, including a young girl with a very large tumor, the size of an apple, at the base of her skull, who was unable to get help quickly at her specialized center and so turned to us,” he shared.
Semenov noted that the removal of the formation was performed by surgeons very well, with minimal consequences for the patient. He also included the case of the removal of metastases in the cervical vertebrae, which was performed on one of the center's patients, among operations of similar complexity. The expert highly appreciated the work of the specialists: according to Semenov, they coped well with this extremely labor-intensive task, which requires extraordinary skill. In total, several such complex neurosurgical operations were performed here in 2024.

“The doctor must come to the operating room absolutely focused only on the positive in terms of surgery, he must leave everything else at the threshold of this sacred place, otherwise it is not surgery,” said the head of the Neurosurgery Center.
Earlier, the portal wrote about the symptoms that indicate the appearance of tumors in the foot area.

Important! The information is provided for reference purposes. Ask a specialist about contraindications and side effects and do not self-medicate under any circumstances. At the first signs of illness, consult a doctor.

Maxim Semenov Maxim Semenov Medicine neurosurgeon, candidate of medical sciences. Member of the Association of Neurosurgeons of Russia