
How to understand that the liver is on the verge of cirrhosis: the doctor named five implicit symptoms

Cirrhosis of the liver is the final stage of many diseases of this organ, including chronic hepatitis, alcoholic and non-alcoholic fatty liver disease. In some cases, only transplantation can save.

The danger of the disease is that it may not manifest itself for a long time: the liver does not hurt until neighboring tissues are affected, alarming symptoms usually appear in the later stages.

– The main causes of liver cirrhosis are viral hepatitis and alcoholic liver damage. In third place can be put the impact of industrial toxic substances and drugs. Also, cirrhosis can occur with damage to the bile ducts, with immune disorders, for example, with autoimmune hepatitis. Infectious diseases can also lead to cirrhosis of the liver. Also, do not forget about genetic diseases, hepatologist Yevgeny Romanov told Medikforum.

In simple words, with cirrhosis, liver tissues are replaced by connective tissue, and the organ ceases to function.

– The liver has great compensatory capabilities, so the disease can proceed for a long time without symptoms at all, – the specialist warned. understand what's going on. Patients talk about decreased performance, frequent colds, dark urine and bleeding gums. The fifth characteristic sign is constant fatigue. This suggests that the liver cannot cope with the load, and toxins enter the bloodstream, poisoning the body.

Symptoms of liver cirrhosis:

  • weakness and fatigue;
  • edema;
  • constant itching;
  • sleep disturbances – drowsiness, insomnia;
  • low mood, irritability;
  • bleeding from the nose and gums;
  • loss of appetite;
  • weight loss;
  • < li> frequent nausea;

  • increased gas formation;

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Related: Alcohol-Related Fatty Liver Disease: Six Early Symptoms.

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Important! Information provided for reference purposes. Ask a specialist about contraindications and side effects and under no circumstances self-medicate. At the first sign of illness, consult a doctor.