
How not to confuse coronavirus with an upset stomach

How not to confuse coronavirus with indigestion
A well-known Russian doctor Evgeny Timakov said that during the holiday season, our citizens are increasingly faced with typical summer disorders, including viral lesions of the gastrointestinal tract. It is extremely important not to confuse them with the symptoms of the coronavirus.

Infectious disease specialist Yevgeny Timakov recalled that during the holiday season, associated with the mass departure of Russians to warmer climes, there is a serious problem of poisoning and similar gastrointestinal infections provoked by enteroviruses, rotaviruses, noroviruses and similar pathogens. Millions of Russians are starting to eat not always fresh food, which they buy in dubious establishments or just on the street. At the same time, hygiene rules are not observed strictly enough, and all this leads to an increase in the incidence of summer viral illnesses.

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However, it is extremely important not to confuse the symptoms of such intestinal poisoning with coronavirus. For example, if you have diarrhea accompanied by nausea or vomiting, then most likely we are talking about an intestinal virus caused by not very well cooked food. But if at the same time you also cough, experience a sore throat, then it cannot be ruled out that you are faced with one of the variants of the Omicron strain.

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In this case, it is better to go through a PCR test for coronavirus, since the treatment of gastrointestinal infections and coronavirus therapy are different. In addition, if you are sick with covid, then it is better to limit contact with others in order to infect as few people as possible. Well, if you just got poisoned, then your loved ones will not become infected with anything, and such preventive measures are unnecessary. (READ MORE) Evgeny Timakov Evgeniy Timakov Medicine Pediatrician , Candidate of Medical Sciences