
How is infertility treated

How infertility is treated
Many people all over the world face a decrease in reproductive function. Until recently, infertility was perceived by spouses as a real tragedy. Now it is possible to achieve the birth of a long-awaited baby even in the most difficult cases. Let's find out why fertility can decrease, where to address this problem and what methods of treatment are most effective.

Why there are problems with the onset of pregnancy?
The causes of infertility can be very different. Moreover, sometimes there can be several pathologies that prevent the onset of pregnancy, and sometimes violations are detected immediately in both men and women.

Most often, female infertility is associated with obstruction of the fallopian tubes, through which the egg moves towards the uterus. In addition, common causes include endometriosis, a decrease in the supply of eggs in the ovaries, adhesions in the small pelvis, fibroids, endocrine pathology. by which sex cells move. In addition, in some cases, antibodies to their own gametes are formed in the body of patients.

When do you need to see a doctor?
If you have stopped using contraceptives and are sexually active, but after 12 months the pregnancy has not yet occurred, it's time to make an appointment with a reproductive specialist.

Please note that women who are in late reproductive age (35 years or more) need to see a doctor after 6 months. This is due to the sharp reduction in ovarian reserve that occurs during this stage. In addition, the quality of the genetic material is deteriorating, which increases the risk of chromosomal abnormalities in the fetus.

How is infertility treated?
It all depends on why there were problems with conception . That is why both spouses need to undergo a thorough examination aimed at identifying all possible causes of reduced fertility.

In some cases, pregnancy can be achieved using conservative methods. In particular, it may be recommended to take hormonal or antibacterial drugs, vitamins, a course of physiotherapy, diet.
Sometimes, the pathology can be corrected as a result of surgical intervention. The operation is effective, for example, in pathologies such as varicocele in men or endometriosis in women.

If conservative or surgical methods cannot produce results, IVF comes to the rescue. In vitro fertilization is currently the most effective way to overcome infertility.

IVF can be done in Moscow in a number of clinics, but not everywhere the results are equally high. That is why you need to choose a reproduction center very carefully, taking into account, in particular, its technical equipment and the qualifications of doctors.
In conclusion, I would like to note once again that you should not delay a visit to a gynecologist-reproductologist. If pregnancy does not occur, it is necessary to find out the reasons for the decrease in fertility as soon as possible and undergo an effective course of treatment.

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