
Get tested: a nutritionist called the reasons for too slow weight loss

Some people lose weight too slowly despite their best efforts. Nutritionist Elena Solomatina advises not to lose weight without first passing tests.

The problem may be that, for example, a woman prescribes a diet for herself without delving into her health problems. What works great for one person may be bad for another. For example, if you have high blood sugar or thyroid problems, this can significantly slow down weight loss if approached without knowledge.

In addition, people often do not add physical activity and do not even out their drinking regimen, and these are extremely important “particulars” of losing weight, Solomatina said.

If you want to lose weight, especially when it comes to obesity, that is, you need to lose a lot , first of all, take tests.

– First of all, you need to understand and understand why the person recovered, what preceded this. Therefore, just in case, you need to pass tests. If there were no somatic diseases, say, problems with the thyroid gland, then you can develop a diet, – Solomatina emphasized.
Often a person cannot lose weight because of a violation of the microclimate in the intestines, she gave an example.

How to still lose weight?

First, add fiber. Insoluble fiber fills the stomach and creates a feeling of satiety. Soluble ones make it difficult to absorb fats and carbohydrates, which leads to a decrease in the number of calories absorbed.

Secondly, review your diet, and not temporarily, but for the rest of your life. The diet should consist of 70% vegetables, it is advisable to choose non-starchy ones. Fruits should be chosen not sweet. Berries are very useful.

Thirdly, change the way you cook. We do not fry anything, everything is only baked, steamed or boiled.

Fourthly, replace the products. From meat it is better to prefer lean fish. Fat is also possible, but not often. Take a look at the chicken breast. If you are losing weight, it is better to refuse milk.

Fifth, increase your activity. Choose what you like. It can be dancing, swimming, cycling, walking. Remember that muscle mass, even at rest, helps burn fat.

Sixth, establish a drinking regimen. When losing weight, frequent fractional drinking is important, 30 milliliters per kilogram of weight. Otherwise, the metabolic processes will proceed more slowly.

Read also: Low blood pressure can indicate serious diseases and even increase their risk. Elena Solomatina Elena Solomatina Medicine Nutritionist, Candidate medical sciences