
Gastroenterologist Timoshchenko told what foods make the face age faster

There are foods that speed up the aging process. This was told by a general practitioner, gastroenterologist, nutritionist Anastasia Timoshchenko.

First of all, according to her, it's sweets. If you get carried away with sweets, you can not only gain extra pounds and come close to type 2 diabetes. Excessive consumption of sugar contributes to skin aging.

– Collagen is damaged during protein glycation. Excess sugar in the diet makes the skin less elastic, contributes to the formation of wrinkles and slows down its recovery in case of damage, –the expert noted in an interview with Izvestia.

Glycation is a process in which sugar molecules react with proteins, resulting in the formation of crosslinks, and proteins lose their functionality

Glycation is caused by the presence of excess glucose in the skin fibers. This excess causes a reaction in which sugar molecules stick to collagen and elastin, proteins that help keep skin firm. They “candied”, harden, become brittle and change the structure of the skin.

Experts even have such a term – “sugar face”. A person who abuses sweets is betrayed by the lack of a healthy glow, dry, dehydrated skin. On the forehead – wrinkles and creases.

According to experts, if you give up sweets, the results will be visible in a month: metabolism will improve, insomnia will disappear. You will also lose up to 4 kg of weight.

The body ages not just sugar, Tymoshchenko notes. She also advises to abandon processed meat products – sausages, sausages, meat products. All these foods have a negative effect on metabolic processes, because they are too salty and contain too many fats and taste enhancers.

If you abuse salty, it will negatively affect blood pressure, lead to edema, which also adds age, and premature aging of the skin.

Young skin is incompatible with a passion for foods high in saturated fats, including trans fats. It is best to give up confectionery, fast food, fast food.

Alcohol damages not only the liver, but also affects other organs and systems, accelerating the aging process. Alcoholic drinks, first of all, actively dehydrate the skin.

Energy drinks, strong tea and coffee negatively affect the beauty and youth, the specialist noted. Soda should also be avoided: they are too sweet and contain phosphoric acid, the excess of which contributes to calcium loss and the development of osteopenia.

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Important! Information provided for reference purposes. Ask a specialist about contraindications and side effects and under no circumstances self-medicate. At the first sign of illness, consult a doctor.