
For the sake of longevity, you need to download iron

For the sake of longevity, you need to download iron
If after 70 you still continue to practice weight exercises, this will help you live longer. This conclusion was made by researchers from the United States.

Arnold Schwarzenegger may have had heart surgery, but he's still on the right path to a long life. The study showed that weight-bearing at least 150 minutes a week reduced the risk of premature death by almost half. This is especially true for people who have already exchanged their eighth decade. In their case, regular exercise can stop the onset of senile decrepitude, maintain independence, physical activity and, in general, interest in life.

The Seven Rules of Longevity

While aerobic exercise like cycling and swimming has been shown to be associated with a lower risk of premature death, no similar findings have been made for resistance exercise. Now, researchers at the University of Iowa have taken up the challenge, surveying nearly 100,000 people aged 55 to 74 about their exercise habits. All were followed for 10 years.

The habit of pumping iron rejuvenated a woman by 30 years

Lifting weights, even without aerobic exercise, led to a 22% reduction in the risk of death, but following aerobic exercise without lifting weights reduced this risk by 34%, compared to those who did not exercise at all. But if people combined both aerobic exercise and weight training, their risk of premature death was reduced by as much as 47%. (READ MORE) University of Iowa

University of Iowa


a public research university in the United States located in Iowa City, Iowa