
For hypotensive patients: six easy ways to normalize blood pressure without pills

When it comes to normalizing blood pressure, most people think that the problems are related to hypertension (high blood pressure). But hypotension (low blood pressure) also reduces the quality of life.

Nutritionist Nadezhda Chernyshova told how to normalize low blood pressure. She emphasized that there are no foods that can increase blood pressure.

If you want to raise your blood pressure, then first of all you need to increase your level of physical activity and monitor nutrition. A strong reduction in the daily caloric intake of foods (and many lovers of strict diets suffer from this) easily leads to a decrease in pressure.

First of all, pale, slender girls are remembered who do not allow themselves to go beyond 800 kilocalories a day and easily faint.

According to the expert, there are drinks that can normalize blood pressure, but they do not eliminate hypotension. For example, energy drinks, tea and coffee. Abuse of them will only aggravate the situation.

A good sleep and physical activity, a contrast shower and hardening will have a positive effect.

Signs of hypotension

  • emotional instability
  • drowsiness
  • chillness
  • fatigue
  • memory disorders< /li>
  • hyperhidrosis (a person sweats a lot)
  • temporary impotence (in men)
  • menstrual disorders (in women)

What does hypotension lead to?

  • fainting; fainting injuries;
  • stroke;
  • myocardial infarction;
  • hypotensive crisis of cardiac or cerebral type.

Causes of hypotension:

  • severe stress or emotional overstrain
  • diseases of the cardiovascular system
  • diseases of the endocrine system
  • cancer
  • gastric ulcer
  • cirrhosis of the liver
  • tuberculosis
  • diabetes mellitus
  • anemia
  • taking certain medications.
  • strict diet, etc.

Recall the blood pressure readings of an adult:
Cardiologist Vasily Petrov: hypotensive patients may not notice their hypertension

  • Normal blood pressure is from 11070 to 13085 mm. rt. St
  • Reduced normal pressure – 11070 – 10060
  • Reduced blood pressure – hypotension – below 10060
  • Increased normal pressure – 13085- 13989
  • High blood pressure – hypertension – more than 14090.

The doctor named six ways to lower high blood pressure without drugs

See also: Itchy eyelid? This may be a symptom of a rare type of cancer.