
Eating from 7 am to 3 pm allows you to lose weight more intensively

Eating from 7 am to 3 pm allows you to lose weight more intensively
You can lose more than 6 kg of weight in three months if you take all the food in the interval from 7 am to 3 pm. This conclusion was made by experts from the United States.

Overweight people try to get rid of it in every possible way. There are dozens of different diets, but there is no universal one that would help everyone. It is especially important to maintain the results achieved during the intake of a particular diet, because it happens that we successfully lose weight, but after a year the lost kilograms return, as we refuse the diet. In this case, it is better to look not for calorie restrictions, but for a lifestyle that can be followed constantly and at the same time not gaining weight. Perhaps this will help the so-called intermittent fasting.

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In the course of observations of people with obesity, those who ate food in the eight-hour interval lost weight in 14 weeks by 6.3 kg, on average. In the control group, which ate according to the usual schedule, the average result was 4 kg. Participants in both groups received expert advice on nutrition and proper selection of food, they were on the same regimen of physical activity. The results of the study suggest that limiting the time we spend eating during the day also limits the total number of calories.

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The intermittent fasting participants in the study consumed, on average, 150-200 calories per day less than those who ate in the usual mode. Intermittent fasting has already become a popular diet among all sorts of Hollywood stars like Jennifer Aniston, Benedict Cumberbatch and Nicole Kidman. In addition to weight loss itself, this practice is associated with an increase in life expectancy and a decrease in the risk of age-related diseases. (READ MORE)