
Diabetes: how to lower blood sugar in half an hour a day

Signs of type 2 diabetes can range from excessive thirst, increased hunger, blurred vision, and frequent infections. If this condition is not properly treated, these symptoms can worsen.

Physicians note that type 2 diabetes can be brought under control and stop the destructive effects of sugar on the body. Diet and exercise are key.

One of the best forms of exercise you can use to treat your diabetes is aerobic exercise. Just half an hour a day can literally save a life.

Acceptance and maintenance of physical activity is critical for blood glucose control and overall health in people with type 2 diabetes.

Exercise improves blood glucose control, reduces risk factors for cardiovascular disease, reduces weight and improve well-being. And aerobic exercise is especially good in this case, because it engages large muscle groups, saturating them with oxygen. energy.

Aerobic exercise increases mitochondrial density, insulin sensitivity, and blood vessel elasticity. They improve lung function, immune function, and cardiovascular function.

—Both aerobic and resistance exercise have shown benefits in people with diabetes by increasing glucose uptake and reducing insulin resistance. For diabetic patients, a combination of both types is recommended because the effect is greater than doing either alone, cardiologists note.

At least three times a week is recommended, preferably if it can be increased to five days with intervals between activity periods of no more than two consecutive days, since the increase in glucose sensitivity and tolerance lasts from about 12 to 24 hours.

Regular aerobic exercise can also lead to weight loss, which is essential for the effective treatment of type 2 diabetes.

Benefits of aerobic exercise:
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  • Reduces body fat, including harmful visceral fat (stomach).
  • Helps prevent complications of diabetes such as heart disease and kidney problems
  • Elevates mood
  • Keeps heart and bones healthy and joints strong.
  • Regulate blood pressure
  • Reduce bad cholesterol and improve good cholesterol

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Read also: 10 habits that will definitely help you lose weight.

Important! Information provided for reference purposes. Ask a specialist about contraindications and side effects and under no circumstances self-medicate. At the first sign of illness, consult a doctor.