
China calls its zero covid policy the best in the world

China calls its zero-tolerance policy the best in the world
China's zero-tolerance policy for coronavirus is the best in the world and the most cost-effective. At the same time, it will only get stronger, as the authorities of the Celestial Empire stated.

At the Chinese Communist Party Congress, it was announced that the country's measures to combat COVID-19 are the best in the world and the most cost-effective, and therefore they will only be strengthened. It has been said that light is already visible at the end of the tunnel, and perseverance is victory. That was the answer to a question from journalists about whether China risks being completely isolated from the rest of the world if it continues its policy of zero tolerance for the coronavirus.

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This policy is that if even a few cases of infection occur, entire multi-million cities can be quarantined. Their residents are forbidden to go outside without special permission, everyone is quickly put through mass testing, infected people and people from the contact group are sent to special camps, where they stay until the disease disappears. Quarantines continue for weeks and months, thereby allowing an outbreak to develop with the number of tens and hundreds of thousands of infected people.

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However, long-term quarantines paralyze the economy as people do not go to work in offices, businesses, factories and factories. From time to time, production stops in China, but the Celestial Empire has so far been confidently moving forward precisely as a global factory for the production of everything in the world. It is in China that all electronics, almost all clothing, small and large household goods are produced. But now China has been closed for more than two and a half years due to the pandemic, and the further continuation of this policy could very seriously hit the dominant position of this power. (READ MORE)

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