
Can you do a DNA test at home?

Can I do a DNA test at home?

DNA test is the most modern and affordable way to establish the relationship of two people. This is a common procedure that is done in many laboratories in Russia.

Yes, you can’t do it yourself – test strips, as for determining pregnancy or coronavirus, have not yet been invented. But you can also collect samples at home.

How to collect material for a DNA test?

For the test, the biomaterial of two people is needed – the intended parent and the child. A DNA sample of the unconditioned parent (usually the mother) is also sometimes provided.

The most reliable material for analysis is a scraping from the inside of the cheek, buccal epithelium. When taking it, it is important not just to moisten it in saliva, but to press it with a stick on the cheek about 20 times.

To collect a sample at home, you will need ordinary cotton swabs and a clean envelope or a special a kit that will be given to you in the laboratory.

When collecting, it is important to follow a few rules: taking a smear. The baby should also not be fed half an hour or an hour before the procedure.

  • Rinse your mouth with clean water right before taking the material.

  • It is more convenient to use one-sided cotton buds so as not to accidentally take it over the edge with DNA material.

  • Child and Intended Parent samples must be sent in separate envelopes.

  • Sample can be stored and sent to the lab only in a paper envelope. Plastic or glass containers are airtight and may deteriorate the material.

  • To prevent the paper envelope from getting wet or torn, leave it for a while before sending it. Do not dry it in direct sunlight or near heat sources.

  • It is advisable to send the material for genetic analysis to the laboratory on the same day it was collected.

  • If you have been sent a sample collection kit from a laboratory, detailed instructions. Be sure to read and follow them.

    Given the cost of a DNA test and the fact that it is often done in court, it's best to get it right the first time.


    The research process usually takes about a week. If the lab fails to extract the right material immediately, it will cost twice as much time and money.

    What do the results mean?

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    Results will be available within approximately two weeks. The envelope is issued personally and sealed to maintain the confidentiality of the study.

    A “positive” test result is a 99.9% chance. A complete 100% is never reported in a paternity or maternity test, as the intended parent may have a twin sibling with a complete DNA match.

    Another high value, but below 99% indicates other related relationships. For example, the fact that a person is a brother/sister or grandparent to a child. The higher the percentage, the closer the relationship.

    If the parentage test is negative, it returns 0%. It is unequivocal – relationship is completely excluded.

    Where can I do a DNA test to get a reliable result?

    Choosing a good lab is just as important as getting the right sample. The institution must be licensed and accredited on the territory of the Russian Federation.

    Please note that the issuance of results in a responsible laboratory is possible only in the hands of the applicant, while maintaining complete confidentiality. the envelope must be sealed.

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