
A good wife prolongs her husband's life

A good wife prolongs her husband's life
Another study confirms that a happy family life is good for the health of spouses. A good wife reduces the risk of premature death by 20%, according to researchers from the Japan National Cancer Center.

Happily married people are 20% less likely to die prematurely, and this is especially true of the stronger sex, who are much less likely to take care of their health when they are single. Researchers from the Land of the Rising Sun studied the medical records of half a million people over 50 living in Asia. The study period was 15 years.

Married people were found to have a 15% lower risk of dying from any cause, on average, compared to those who were widowed or unmarried. Those who entered into a happy family union were 20% less likely to die from accidents, injuries and heart disease. But the most significant decrease in mortality was observed among men.

Previous studies have also shown that men are less likely to take risks and are much less likely to have accidents or abuse alcohol and drugs when they are happily married. The study found that the protective effect of marriage may also be due to the fact that partners encourage each other to seek medical attention and receive treatment on time. In addition, when two people live together, their financial situation is more stable, and this is also important. (READ MORE)