
You can't drink yesterday's tea

Drinking tea should only be freshly brewed, said nutritionist Irina Mansurova.

Specialist Mansurova said that the habit of drinking yesterday's tea should not be.

“You shouldn’t drink tea brewed yesterday,” said expert.
Mansurova noted that sometimes people prepare a drink using a thick, infused tea infusion that was brewed the day before. Boiling water is simply poured into it.

The nutritionist emphasized that this is not necessary.

“The correct scheme for using tea is to drink freshly brewed tea, if there is something left, the rest should be poured out,” the expert recommended .
Irina Mansurova reported that tea shows its maximum benefits within 10 minutes after brewing. A drink that has stood for a day not only loses its beneficial properties, pathogens and fungi are likely to multiply in it.

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The specialist advised to adhere to the correct technology when brewing tea. In particular, green, white tea should be brewed using water with a temperature not exceeding 80 degrees. To brew red or black tea, you need hot water, 95 degrees.

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Earlier, the portal wrote that sweets with alcohol can be dangerous due to the risk of hyperglycemia.

Important! Information provided for reference only. Ask a specialist about contraindications and side effects and under no circumstances self-medicate. Seek medical attention at the first sign of illness.

Irina Mansurova Irina Mansurova HLS nutritionist-nutritionist, psychotherapist