
“Yolk is the strongest choleretic stimulant”: doctor Dianova warned about the dangers of eggs

soft-boiled egg
Doctor Nuria Dianova: if people have problems with the gallbladder, they should eat eggs with great caution.

Doctor Dianova said that eggs are one of the best foods in themselves – they contain a lot of healthy substances.

“Yes, they have cholesterol, but they also have lecithin and vitamins A, D, E. They have everything, because that this is the beginning of life,” the doctor explained in an interview with Radio 1.
At the same time, the expert noted, the advantages inherent in this product do not mean that you can eat as much of it as you want. Eggs can be consumed daily Only people with good health without chronic disorders and diseases can afford it. But with age, a person usually acquires them.

Doctor Dianova warned about the harm of eggs due to their choleretic effect. The specialist stated that the yolk of the egg is a very strong choleretic stimulant, its use without caution and restrictions can lead to unpleasant consequences.

“If people have problems with the gallbladder of various origins, then they will not be able to eat two or three eggs. For them, it will be sheer hell: pain associated with polychotomous syndrome. The same applies to people who have kidney stones,” the expert warned.
Dianova reminded people who eat eggs every day that monotonous food deprives the body of the opportunity to receive important components contained in many products. She emphasized that for the proper functioning of the body and good health, it is important that the diet be as varied as possible.

Earlier, the portal wrote that in order to lose weight, you need to have a proper breakfast and dinner, and nutritionist Olga Ilycheva explained exactly how.

Important! Information provided for reference purposes. Ask a specialist about contraindications and side effects and do not self-medicate under any circumstances. At the first signs of illness, consult a doctor.

Nuria Dianova Nuria Dianova Healthy lifestyle gastroenterologist, nutritionist, hepatologist