
Why do you need a detox if you have a thyroid problem?

a girl eats a salad
Endocrinologist Dilyara Lebedeva told why a detox is necessary for problems with the thyroid gland.

Modern life is such that a person simply cannot avoid meeting with various toxins (at home, at work, and so on).
Toxins create a load not only on the liver and intestines, as a result, the thyroid gland also suffers.

“Our body fights against the poison with which we interact , and it happens that the resource for this battle simply ends. The least important tissues begin to suffer first: hair, nails and skin. This means that energy is spent on resisting toxins, ”the expert says.
The work of the thyroid gland is most directly related to the intestines and liver. If they constantly suffer, the thyroid gland simply cannot work fully. Especially if you are already using hormonal drugs.

Detox is necessary, but it must be carried out competently so as not to harm.

First of all, you need to review your diet, remove all harmful foods from the diet. Keep drinking balance, drink enough water.

Remove as much as possible of all the toxins that you use in everyday life (especially products containing chlorine). Review your cosmetics, dishwashing detergents, powders, and so on.

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Regularly cleanse the lymph. Drinking regimen and physical activity, lymphatic drainage massage will help here.

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Set up the liver and gallbladder, make sure that there are no problems with the outflow of bile. These are the main organs that are responsible for the natural detoxification of our body. Dilyara Lebedeva Dilyara Lebedeva Healthy lifestyle Endocrinologist