
Which Foods Lead to Cognitive Impairment and Dementia

The use of certain foods negatively affects the cognitive functions of the brain, and also increases the risk of developing dementia.

Foreign nutritionists have specified foods that lead to deterioration cognitive function and an increased risk of dementia.

“Regular consumption of sausages, sausages and sugar impairs cognitive function,” experts stated.
According to their data, excessive consumption of sausages, sausages is associated with an increase in the number of plaques in the brain brain, reports Gazeta.Ru. These plaques are formed from protein components that should be washed out of the brain, but in the case of neurodegenerative diseases, they “get stuck” in it and form plaques that damage neurons. With an increase in the concentration of plaques, a person becomes prone to dementia.

Finnish scientists: eggs and meat improve cognitive functions in men sausages and sausages, which contain a lot of animal fats and various artificial components. As for sugar, its too active consumption contributes to vascular inflammation. Nutritionists consider the habit of eating sausages, sausage and sugar for breakfast to be especially harmful to the brain.

Signal of dementia: walking speed indicates a decrease in cognitive functions eats too much sugar.