
Which currant is more useful for weight loss and diabetes?

red currant
Endocrinologist Olga Pavlova told which varieties of currants are more useful for diabetes.

The most popular in our country are black and red currants. Let's analyze their nutritional value.

“In 100 g of black currant there are 44 kcal, 1 g of proteins, 0.2 g of fats, 7.3 g of carbohydrates. The glycemic index is quite low – 15, ”says the expert.
Blackcurrant is rich in vitamins (C, B5, B6, E, H) and minerals, it contains silicon, cobalt, molybdenum, potassium, manganese, copper, magnesium, sodium, phosphorus, zinc, chromium.

Red currant loses in a number of indicators. The calorie content is about the same – 43, but the glycemic index is higher – 30. And this indicator is very important for diabetes and weight loss.

The vitamin and mineral composition is approximately the same: vitamins C, K, B6, PP, H, A, E, minerals – silicon, molybdenum, copper, manganese, calcium, magnesium, zinc.

Currant has a positive effect on metabolic processes, helps strengthen the immune system (which is why it is recommended during colds), and has a vasodilating effect. It is also an effective remedy for inflammation. And currant is a good natural antiseptic.⠀

It tones the body, has diuretic properties.

The presence of copper in the composition of currant berries has an antitumor preventive effect.

Berries have a beneficial effect on the work of the heart, blood vessels, and activate blood circulation.

If you are aimed at getting rid of excess weight, eat currants in a dosed amount – about 100 g per meal. Try to eat it in the morning.

Not only fruits are useful, but also leaves. They can be brewed, added to teas and infusions. It is also a good source of vitamin at any time of the year. Olga Pavlova Olga Pavlova Healthy lifestyle Endocrinologist