
What can the smell of sweat reveal about our illnesses?

Dietitian-gastroenterologist Yana Prudnikova told how the smell of sweat is associated with diseases of our body and what it can tell about.

Sweat is a protective factor of our body, which is secreted outside for thermoregulation.

“In a healthy person, sweat has no smell. But with a pronounced smell, you can talk about a lot, ”the expert notes.
Often, the smell of sweat is associated with what we eat. For example, you began to exude a rotten or sulfuric “aroma”. This suggests that sulfur compounds that entered the body with food (fish, onions or garlic, cheese, eggs, legumes or cabbage) began to nourish the skin microflora. And the bacteria, having eaten, began to emit these sulfurous gases outside. Hence the smell.

The fishy smell of sweat is most often congenital. This suggests that your body is not able to break down certain proteins.

As for the connection with diseases, there are many nuances. Sticky sweat with the smell of acetone most often indicates thyroid diseases and diabetes mellitus.

The smell of dirty socks accompanies staphylococci, corynebacteria, micrococci. They are one of the most “fragrant”. And if the deodorant-antiperspirant is able to suppress the growth of staphylococcus, then it is powerless against corynebacteria.

There is only one way out – to completely revise the diet and adjust the drinking regimen. Yana Prudnikova Yana Prudnikova Healthy lifestyle Gastroenterologist , nutritionist