
What can be considered the best substitute for meat during fasting: nutritionist Rusakova

chickpea soup
Among the products that can replace meat while fasting, nutritionist Daria Rusakova singled out nuts and legumes.

From February 27 to February 15 April, Orthodox Christians will observe Great Lent, during which the consumption of meat and products from it is excluded. Speaking about a meat-free diet, nutritionist Rusakova emphasized that protein must be present in the daily diet of people, especially those who work or study sports.

“All muscle mass, skin, hair, nails, immune system – all these are the amino acids that make up proteins. If the protein is not supplied, then the body simply has nothing to build itself from,” the doctor noted in an interview with Moscow 24.
Meat is one of the main suppliers of proteins that are well absorbed by the human body. What can be considered its best replacement for the time of fasting? Nutritionist Rusakova answered the question:

Dietitian Viktor Tutelyan: vegetable protein is not able to replace meat

“You can replace meat with legumes, cereals, nuts.”
The specialist added that foods rich in vegetable protein do not lead to an increase in blood cholesterol levels – this is their undoubted plus. However, they are not an absolutely equivalent alternative to meat – vegetable proteins cannot provide the body with all the essential amino acids. That is why eating only them, without including meat in the diet, is possible only for a limited time. A healthy body is quite capable of withstanding fasting, but the diet should include as many different acceptable foods containing protein as possible.

Doctor Rusakova: improper use of eggs can lead to an exacerbation of pancreatitis diet, in addition to vegetable protein, you also need dietary fiber to promote good bowel function,” the expert advised.
Earlier, wrote that foods with vitamin K protect against joint problems and the development of arthritis .

Important! Information provided for reference purposes. Ask a specialist about contraindications and side effects and under no circumstances self-medicate. Seek medical attention at the first sign of illness.

Daria Rusakova Daria Rusakova healthy lifestyle candidate of medical sciences, member of the National Association of Dietitians and Nutritionists