
Tomatoes effectively improve brain protection against stroke

Tomatoes, being a rich source of lycopene and potassium, can effectively improve brain protection against stroke, according to various studies.

The journal Neurology published a report on a study involving 1,031 men aged 46 to 65. The scientists observing them compared the health indicators of men with the content in their bodies of the carotenoid lycopene, a substance that is naturally present in tomatoes and some other plant products. During the observation period, 50 men were hospitalized with ischemic stroke.

After taking into account factors such as age, body mass index (BMI), blood pressure, smoking, cholesterol levels, the researchers found that men with a high concentration of lycopene in the body were significantly better protected from the likelihood of developing a stroke.

“For those who had the highest concentration of lycopene, the risk of ischemic stroke was reduced by 59%, and the risk of other types of stroke by 55%.
Thus, the consumption of tomatoes and products based on them as sources of lycopene can effectively reduce the risk of this dangerous for the life of the state in men, the authors of the work stated.

In turn, experts from the British organization to combat hypertension Blood Pressure UK note the ability of tomatoes to improve blood pressure due to their high potassium content. This mineral plays a key role in how much fluid is stored in the body and how much is excreted. With a lack of potassium, the body begins to retain excess fluid, which increases blood pressure, creating preconditions for the development of a stroke.

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A study published in the journal Food Science and Nutrition also confirms hypotensive properties of tomatoes. The scientists who conducted it studied how men and women could be affected by the regular consumption of a glass (about 200 milliliters) of unsalted tomato juice. They concluded that such a habit leads to a decrease in both systolic and diastolic blood pressure.

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