
“To fight the flu”: named the most useful berry of September

In Rospotrebnadzor, talking about the most useful berries that ripen in September, they highlighted sea buckthorn.

Experts of the sanitary department reminded that September is the month , in which many berries ripen, known for an extensive range of health-improving qualities:

  • cranberry,
  • viburnum,
  • sea buckthorn.
  • Specialists call sea buckthorn one of the most useful – this berry has a reputation as a “natural medicine”.
    “Sea buckthorn contains many vitamins, especially groups C and B, useful acids, iron, magnesium and other substances. Sea buckthorn berries increase immunity and are often used to fight flu and colds, ”the 360 ​​TV channel cited the opinion of experts.
    In addition, sea buckthorn contains a lot of folic acid and vitamin E, which makes it especially useful for women.
    The most useful berry has been named

    Experts advise eating sea buckthorn berries fresh or frozen, or preparing a drink from it to maintain immunity during the cold season.

    Doctors have chosen the most useful berry
    “You should mix a glass of berries, a couple of spoons of honey, tea, mint and pour a liter of boiling water.”
    Earlier, the portal wrote that doctors consider the health benefits of salads exaggerated.