
Three White Foods to Eat Less to Stay Healthy

Salt is one of the white foods whose consumption should be strictly limited, doctors say.

To maintain health, experts advise eating less than at least three white product. According to InoSMI, one of them is salt. It is present in many ready-made foods, including bread. Salt eaten with them in large quantities not only increases blood pressure, it also contributes to blockage of blood vessels. In addition, salt stimulates the drinking of water, which causes the kidneys to work with overload.

Another white food that doctors recommend eating as little as possible is sugar.

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“Excessive consumption of sugar takes a heavy toll on the body, not only increasing susceptibility to obesity, but also increasing the risk of developing diabetes,” experts stated.
They also added saturated fat to the trio of the most unhealthy white foods. Experts warned that the daily consumption of large doses of fat not only increases weight, but also increases the level of lipids in the blood, which, in turn, is associated with a tendency to cardiovascular disease.

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Earlier, the portal wrote about what kind of fish helps to reduce blood pressure due to its saturation with potassium.

Important! Information provided for reference purposes. Ask a specialist about contraindications and side effects and under no circumstances self-medicate. At the first sign of illness, consult a doctor.