
Therapist Konstantinova called common mistakes in the diet of fasting people

sweet pie
According to the therapist Marina Konstantinova, the main mistake of people who decide to fast is an unbalanced diet.

Therapist Konstantinova said in an interview that the menu fasting often becomes monotonous, while it should be balanced, containing as many different nutrients as possible – protein, vitamins, microelements. The doctor called it a mistake that in fasting, many increase the amount of salts or starchy carbohydrate foods they eat. Such food contributes to an increase in blood glucose levels and swelling, retaining fluid in the tissues.

The therapist also advised with caution to buy products that are labeled as lean. They may contain preservatives, soy, starch, trans fats. Konstantinova noted that when buying, you need to study the packaging of the product with the “lean” icon in order to have an idea of ​​its true composition. “, – added the doctor.
Speaking with, the therapist Konstantinova drew attention to the fact that the desire to strictly observe fasting can negatively affect the state of the body.

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“The body begins to experience a deficiency protein, trace elements and vitamins. This can lead to the development of anemia, and general well-being may worsen,” she said.
According to the expert, fasting people should first consult a doctor in order to have an idea about the capabilities of their body and chronic disorders.

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Earlier, the portal wrote that buckwheat and rice were named among the most useful side dishes by a nutritionist.

Important! Information provided for reference purposes. Ask a specialist about contraindications and side effects and under no circumstances self-medicate. At the first sign of illness, consult a doctor.