
Therapist Chernyshova: certain drinks help to improve health after 60 years

a woman drinks from a cup
People over 60 may find it especially beneficial to consume certain drinks, says therapist Nadezhda Chernyshova.

In an interview with a doctor, the opinion was expressed that after 60 years it is important for the body to get enough water, since at this age the mechanisms that form the feeling of thirst weaken. Older people feel worse than young people that their body lacks moisture. Meanwhile, adequate water intake in old age is of particular importance – it helps the body (including the brain) to more effectively get rid of potentially toxic compounds, excess sugar and salt, and digestive residues.

“Water is the best drink in any age, especially the elderly. It helps to support vital processes in the body. The norm of water consumption is 30 milliliters per kilogram of body weight,” Chernyshova said.
Another “super drink” for promoting health after 60 years, the physician called green tea. Its beneficial effect is associated with the content of a large amount of antioxidants that prevent cell-damaging oxidative stress caused by free radicals. It is with this oxidation that many scientists associate the development of cancer.

“There is evidence that green tea is able to fight cancer cells and delay the development of tumors,” Nadezhda Chernyshova noted.
The therapist advised not to drink too strong, infused tea – in such a drink the level of caffeine may be too high.

Additionally, the doctor said that drinking moderate doses of wine can bring certain benefits after 60 years. According to Chernyshova, there are research data that show that among older women who allow themselves a little wine, there are longer life expectancies than among their teetotalers of the same age.

Earlier, wrote that what foods can be useful to prevent depressive conditions. Nadezhda Chernyshova Nadezhda Chernyshova HLS therapist